Monday, May 31, 2010

Rainy Tuesday

So I'm doing work, have lunch, then all of a sudden I hear this sudden uproar. Huge drops of rain start beating down, strong gusts of wind encircle, rain water spilling out of the gutters and drainage. Fortunately, I'm in a nice area that does not flood. The rain's been on and off today. In a way, hearing such hard rain is soothing, but at the same time a little daunting. It's therapeutic no doubt. The accompanying photos have nothing to do with the rain, but seeing Basti rugged up (he is too cute, lol), makes me think of the rain Sydney was getting last week. I feel like I'm meant to be rugged up and cold, but this rain isn't making me cold, it's just cooling me down from such hot tropical exotic weather. Skype is a lifesaver. It really does change the way people communicate... although Google has caught on and has video chat on gchat now ;-P

Sunday, May 30, 2010

So Much For Being A Third World Country

So Asian

I had to take a photo of this, just because it's such an asian thing to do. The whole, stepping on the bowl, squatting over it thing. ;-P

Tricycle Commute

prizmic & brill

I was already hooked from the moment I laid eyes on the visual merchandising of this store, prizmic & brill. The window already caught my attention, and even better, everything inside is custom made. You even need to make an appointment just to get an audience with the boss, for her to allow you access to the outlet in Pampanga, Philippines. It ranges from bicycles, to rugs, trunks, to cushions and stickers. It's a fabulous find. I couldn't help but go inside and take quick snapshots of the little treasures I could quickly get in before having to rush off for another engagement. The ladies inside were very nice too, perhaps it was knowing we weren't locals, or maybe it was my Dior Christal watch I had on, after all, it is very bling-bling! ;-P
Don't be deceived. This is all a one piece trunk. So you can pack this all up into a rectangle and go! It'd be really heavy, but it looks fabulous, and it's quite convenient if you're always on the go, BUT have a means of lugging this around!

A Little Retail Therapy

The Sun Sets Red + Blue

Friday, May 28, 2010

Style: Cheap & Chic {For The Most Part}

Sorry for the rushed Styling and quick photographs. I figured that even if I'm on vacation, I should be posting at least 'some' Fashion related things, no? 

Here, the look revolves around one (1) pair of white tailored shorts with three (3) different tops, four (4) different pairs of shoes and pretty much the same accessories throughout

They are everyday looks to wear here in Asia. My favourite for today, is the first look, very much my style. 'Young Rich Sexy & Free.' Tell me what you think of the looks I've quickly put together with my limited wardrobe available. Which is your favourite look? I literally had 10 minutes to bang this all together.

N.B. Please excuse the white piece of paper placed under the shoes. It was placed there because clearly, the shoes have been worn, and they are dirty. I don't want to be getting itchy in my sleep now. And also excuse the ruffled bedspread, I was in the process of remaking and changing the covers!

Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head...

It pissed down rain really hard for about 20 to 30 minutes today. I was afraid that it would be the official start of 'typhoon season' aka 'rainy season,' but alas, it wasn't. Thank goodness for that. I was taking a shower when I felt a sudden wind chill come in through the window, and then without warning, the rain drops just started beating down. I went outside in my towel to take a photograph of a puddle and the pattern rain makes on one of our retaining walls. Pretty, no? Definitely a pattern I can see on a garment. It looks like a painting even. Reminds me of upside down coral. What does it remind you of? The lightness at the top of the second photograph, is the glare from the top of the high wall (that I call a 'fortress').

Here, check out my afternoon mirienda (snack). Mama Nila brought it for me from my favourite Susie's Cuisine, Angeles. Kapampangans make the best damn food I tell you! Empanada special (the only one I've bitten into was a ham and melted cheese one) and ensemada. Next time, I hope she gets me lecheflan and those delicious tarts and even lanka pastillas! Mmm. I'm gaining weight just imagining the possibilities ;-P